iOS Developer available

RussellRussell Membre
février 2015 modifié dans Emploi, formations, livres #1

I am between contracts so I am available to work for a few weeks in Paris if you are interested in covering my expenses. This is a great way to make some significant progress on an iOS app for proof of concept, prototype or to kick off the development of the project.

I am in Atlanta and can fly direct to Paris. So for airfare, room and board you'll get an iOS developer to work with your team for a couple of weeks


Best regards,


Russell Parris

Mots clés:


  • Joanna CarterJoanna Carter Membre, Modérateur
    You do realise this is a Francophone forum? Also, it is considered good manners to go to the "Présentations des membres" section and let us know something about yourself so that people can decide if they would have any suitable work. And if you could so do in French ? :)
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