addSubview dans une SpringView

Salut tout le monde,

I use the Spring library ( to add iOS animations to my Swift project. I have a custom subclass ChooseButton of SpringView and I want to add a subview (mySubView in this case) to this view :

class ChooseButton: SpringView {
enum TypeButton {
case YES, NO

var type:TypeButton!
var size:CGFloat = 90

var enabled: Bool!
var delegateButton: ChooseButtonDelegate?

init (type: TypeButton) {
super.init(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,size,size))
self.type = type
if type == TypeButton.YES {
self.backgroundColor = CustomColor.Emeralde = CGPointMake(gScreenSize.width*3/4, gScreenSize.height-self.frame.size.height)
} else {
self.backgroundColor = CustomColor.Alizarin = CGPointMake(gScreenSize.width/4, gScreenSize.height-self.frame.size.height)
self.layer.cornerRadius = size/2

var mySubView = UIView(frame: frame)
mySubView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()

But my Subview does not shows up... I can't see why.

Merci pour votre aide et bonne journée !

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